The Cactus Mailing Blog

10 Easy Landscape Marketing Ideas to Keep You Busy All Year

Written by Mike Ryan | Mar 20, 2024 3:43:29 PM

The challenge of gaining a competitive edge in landscaping often extends beyond providing excellent service. Nowadays, a captivating garden or outdoor space isn't enough to ensure a fully booked service calendar. The challenge? Marketing your landscaping business effectively to ensure you're always on the radar of potential clients. 

Whether your company is a seasoned landscape professional or you're a budding business owner, discovering innovative marketing strategies can be the difference between a calendar filled with projects and an uncertain future. So, if you're looking to keep your hands dirty and your schedule packed all year round, here are 10 practical and easy landscape marketing ideas that promise not only growth for your business but also a fresh perspective on reaching your target audience. 


1. Be the landscaping service that customers think of

A solid brand identity is crucial to any medium. But before you even think about the medium, your landscaping company brand identity has to be established. You want to be the top-of-mind when your clients think about landscaping.

Whether it's through an iconic logo, a signature color scheme, or a consistent tone of voice, your brand should be easily recognizable and remain consistent.


Direct mail marketing provides a fantastic opportunity to make brand awareness tangible. When customers can hold and feel your brand in their hands, it creates a memorable interaction that’s harder to achieve with purely digital marketing.

Engaging your clients consistently will also improve brand awareness. Sending out monthly updates of your company via newsletters or email can be a good way to remind past clients that you've done a great job before. A good email drip campaign can be executed by a platform like Mailchimp. This kind of service would enable you to send out 2-3 pre-written emails that are triggered by specific actions such as signing up for your newsletter or purchasing a service. These can be used to educate your target audience about new offerings, build relationships through valuable content, and, most importantly, engage in constant communication by reminding them that you are the go-to landscaper in their area.


2. Start marketing early to get ahead

The optimal period for landscaping activities varies by region, but it usually starts in the spring and ends in the fall. Regardless of geographical differences, a universal challenge persists: there's consistent competition for the same clientele.

To get ahead, it's best to engage potential clients before your rivals do. That means you should kick off lawn care promotions before spring. Find out the dates for a season change.


For even better results, reach your audience at least three times. This repetition increases the chance of getting the attention of potential clients when they need you. 

Make sure your marketing needs are planned out ahead of time. Create a content calendar to help you plan and schedule your landscape marketing ideas in advance. Start marketing early and make sure to keep your brand message consistent so you can sit back and get ready for the influx of bookings when the new season begins.


3. Make postcards a key element of your landscape marketing 

Landscaping businesses often face fierce competition, with clients continually being wooed by numerous service providers. In an age where digital information flits across screens momentarily, the presence of a postcard invites a more deliberate interaction. 


Why Postcard Marketing?

By holding a postcard, feeling its texture, and visually processing its design, prospective clients experience a connection to your brand message. Unlike digital advertisements that can easily be scrolled past or clicked away, a tangible postcard occupies real space — be it on a refrigerator door, a workspace, or a coffee table. This constant visibility ensures that the brand's message isn't a fleeting thought; it becomes a recurring reminder.

Much like the impact of a well-designed or well-maintained landscape, a thoughtfully crafted direct mail postcard creates an impression that lasts.


By showcasing your expertise through market research and offering valuable tips or insights in your mailpieces, you establish credibility and trust with prospective clients.  


Need more convincing?

According to the Direct Marketing Association, direct mail, including postcards, has an average response rate of 4.4%, compared to 0.12% for email. Furthermore, a study by InfoTrends showed that 56% of consumers who responded to direct mail went online or visited a physical store. For your landscaping business, this could translate to visits to your website or even inquiries about specific services or promotions. Plus, considering the relatively low cost of postcard production and mailing, your ROI for postcard campaigns is usually impressive. 

For landscaping businesses, postcard marketing is not just an old-school tactic. It's a proven marketing strategy that, when executed thoughtfully, can bring substantial returns. Given the compelling statistics backing its effectiveness, postcards can offer a competitive edge in the crowded landscaping industry. Make sure you don't succumb to some common misconceptions about postcard marketing.

Remember, when designing your postcards, consider including testimonials or before-and-after photos to demonstrate the quality of your work. You can also use QR codes as a method to access more information or special discounts in your mailers to act as a bridge, driving recipients to interact with your business online. 


4. Show off your best work on a landscaping website

While direct mail brings tangibility, your online presence offers reach. By maintaining an optimized and user-friendly landscaping website design, a lawn care business can easily capture the interest sparked by a postcard. Imagine a potential customer receiving a postcard, getting intrigued, and immediately going online to explore your website or Google business profile. The synergy of postcard marketing and internet marketing reinforces your brand message and boosts engagement.

A successful landscaping website also uses its blog to attract leads, aiming to engage more than 90% of visitors for potential conversion. Make sure you display a portfolio of services and prioritize mobile-friendly designs that load quickly to optimize the user experience.


5. Get the most out of your Google business profile

Maximizing your online presence can significantly boost your landscape business growth. Instead of focusing on the best Facebook ad or Google ad you can come up with, you can start by using a Google My Business listing. Claim and update your profile to ensure that potential clients find accurate information about your landscaping service.

An optimized listing on Google My Business can be a game-changer, generating FREE leads from prospective clients seeking landscaping services via a search engine. Want another powerful tool to add to your arsenal? Positive online reviews. Encourage satisfied clients to leave glowing reviews for services rendered. Why? Because a staggering 93% of individuals buying decisions are influenced by Google reviews, making them almost as influential as personal recommendations.


Furthermore, local SEO is crucial in amplifying your landscaping website's visibility on Google. The higher you rank, the more organic traffic you attract. Google Analytics provides invaluable insights into your website's performance, allowing you to refine your strategies and have actionable insights based on real-time data. And if you're integrating email marketing via platforms like Mailchimp, regularly reviewing reports can help gauge the success of campaigns so you can fine-tune your market research for a better customer experience. 

Google offers various tools to help you connect, engage, and convert. Use them wisely!


6. Create a community on your social media platforms

Social media is the modern word-of-mouth. It's the perfect platform for directly interacting with customers real-time. 

Your landscaping company can create a vibrant community on social media by sharing a variety of engaging content. For example, you can upload on Instagram behind-the-scenes looks at projects. Schedule regular Facebook posts about tips on garden maintenance. You can even conduct live Q&A sessions on landscape design. 


To encourage interaction, ask your followers to share photos of their own gardens and let the community give suggestions. Perhaps you can even initiate monthly challenges or themes that keep your followers engaged. Don't forget to engage with their posts as well, leaving thoughtful comments or starting interesting discussions. If possible, collaborate with local businesses or influencers for joint promotions or features. 

By consistently providing value, responding to feedback, and nurturing relationships, your business will not only showcase expertise but also create a loyal, interactive online community centered around a shared passion for landscaping.

Some additional tips for engaging and growing your community:

  • Be authentic
  • Be consistent
  • Use attractive visuals
  • Interact, ask questions
  • Direct them to your website

Sharing great content isn't just about getting new clients on board; it's also about showing your current community that you are an expert in your field and you genuinely care about their landscaping needs.


7. Be specific with your target audience

Casting a wide net to capture as many prospective clients for your landscaping business sounds enticing but can have a counterproductive effect. Bombarding landscaping customers with excessive advertisements, mailers, or digital content not only risks irritating potential clients but also dilutes your brand's message. It's essential to strike a balance. Focus on targeted, relevant, and well-timed landscaper campaigns that resonate with your intended audience.

How can you do that? With targeted mailing lists.

Targeted mailing lists ensure that your marketing effort reaches the hands of those most likely to avail of your services. Using an extensive database and demographic insights, your mailers will be directed to leads composed of homeowners, property managers, or businesses within your area who are seeking landscaping services.

What's a good place to start? Introduce your services to new movers in the community.


8. Use vehicle branding

Vehicle branding for a landscaping company can raise brand awareness, generate leads, or do both. While you need your design to stand out, your contact details should also be prominent. 

Your design should include short, memorable call-to-actions to help push potential customers to avail of your landscaping service. Words like “Ready for a lush lawn?” or “Get your green makeover today” can spark curiosity and also help you stay in the minds of readers.  

You can also use catchy one-liner testimonials from previous customers to get the attention of people who see your branding on a vehicle. Including easy-to-read, short copy can engage your audience quickly and, when combined with a call-to-action that includes your contact details, can result in numerous leads. 


9. Create an excellent customer experience

Cultivating a tight-knit circle of loyal customers is one secret to lasting business growth. A big part of that? It's about making sure they have a stellar experience every step of the way.

Before you even sign a new client, you can offer free consultations, host a local workshop event, or offer early bird discounts for spring bookings.  During landscaping jobs, you can provide updates through video calls when they’re not home or simply check in with them every now and then with informal feedback sessions when they are on-site. After-sales efforts can include hosting an annual client appreciation picnic or gifting clients with plants as a gesture of thanks after a completed job.


When your customers receive excellent service, they are more likely to become repeat business and refer you to friends or family. Keeping your current clients is great, but never underestimate the impact of word-of-mouth. If you continue creating excellent customer experiences, you'll have a bunch of loyal customers who not only come back but also give a good word about your services to their friends.


10. Offer irresistible promotions 

Postcard marketing remains an effective tool for landscaping companies like yours to retain existing clients and attract new ones through targeted promotions. Depending on your objectives, you can offer various promotions to incentivize new or existing clients. Here are some examples:

  • Highlight New Services: If your landscaping business is branching out into new services, like hardscaping or water features, a postcard can effectively inform both existing and new clients.
  • Package Deals: Bundle several services together at a discounted rate and promote this package deal through a postcard.


  • Seasonal Offers: Sending postcards at the beginning of each season can promote services relevant to that time of year, such as spring planting or fall cleanup.
  • Limited-Time Deals: Send out postcards advertising an exclusive deal available for a short period, such as "20% off all landscaping services booked in the next two weeks". This creates urgency and can motivate potential clients to act quickly to take advantage of the savings.


  • Loyalty Discounts: By implementing loyalty programs or offering discounts to repeat customers, you can show appreciation, enhance retention, and encourage continued patronage.
  • Referral Programs: Encourage existing clients to refer friends and neighbors by offering discounts for every successful referral. You can also motivate satisfied clients to become brand ambassadors by introducing referral bonuses. When clients feel valued and are rewarded for their advocacy, they are more inclined to spread the word about your services.   



Landscaping is more than just creating beautiful outdoor spaces, it still comes down to marketing yourself effectively in a competitive industry. From nailing your brand identity to utilizing postcards and maximizing online platforms like Google, you want to be in your potential clients' minds. Even in this digital age, never underestimate the power of a well-crafted postcard. Whether you're a green-thumb newbie with a small business or a seasoned pro, these tips are sure to keep your calendar busy all year round. Here's to full schedules and thriving gardens! 🌱📅



Ready to achieve landscape marketing success? Check out Cactus Mailing’s Direct Mail Services, tailored specifically for businesses like yours.