The Cactus Mailing Blog

How Real Estate Direct Mail Postcards Work

Written by Mike Ryan | Oct 26, 2023 5:39:13 PM

There are two things you need to keep in mind when planning your real estate marketing strategy. First, the industry is highly competitive, so your materials need to stand out. And second, you must not forget the power of print! Using postcards, in particular, can be an excellent way to promote your best listings as well as your services.

In this article, we will cover everything you need to know to prepare your real estate postcards. First, we will explain why door direct mail can be such a huge ally when promoting your business. Then, we will see a few print materials and how you can use them in your campaigns. Lastly, we will cover all the details having to do with postcard design - and include a few real estate postcard templates to make your life a little easier. So, let's get started!



Why Direct Mail Works

According to the 2022 ANA Response Report, direct mail campaigns have an average ROI (return on investment) of 112% when sent to prospective lists. That's the strongest ROI of all marketing media!

Although this might come as a surprise to many, there are strong reasons why direct mail services do so well. For instance:

  • Unlike digital marketing, direct mail allows you to physically put your message into the hands of your target audience. People often appreciate the tactile nature of a postcard or letter, so this approach is more personal and memorable.
  • You can tailor your mailing list to reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviors so your message is delivered to a much more receptive audience (more on this in the next section).
  • With the growing reliance on digital marketing, there is also just less competition in the mailbox. This means your direct mail piece has a better chance of standing out. Many people also open and read their physical mail, often on the same day it's received - so your message has more chances of being seen.
  • Direct mail allows for creative design and content choices. For example, you can use eye-catching visuals, unique paper, and other creative elements to make your real estate postcards much more memorable.
  • Lastly, unlike email, which can be deleted with a single click, physical mail tends to stick around longer. It might even sit on a kitchen counter or a desk, providing repeated exposure to your message.

The Benefits of Direct Mail Marketing For Real Estate Agents

Direct marketing materials are highly effective and can deliver impressive conversion rates because they can communicate directly with customers. The percentage of positive responses, in fact, grows exponentially when you are using a targeted group. We will cover targeting as part of our strategies in the coming sections, but let's see a quick example.

Suppose you want to promote a specific property to your prospective buyers. If you want to attract first-time buyers who are renting but want to purchase their first home, you could include information about affordable starter houses and mortgage options and highlight the benefits of homeownership. If, on the other hand, you want to speak to empty nesters or older individuals whose children have moved out, you could mention downsizing, retirement communities, or luxury condos with low maintenance.

And, of course, the same can be applied to investors, luxury home seekers, or relocating professionals.

The key, then, when it comes to promoting your services and/or properties is to cater to different preferences and maximize your visibility in a competitive real estate market. So, let's see a few proven strategies to truly foster a personal connection with your audience.

Direct Mail Marketing Strategies

When used and executed strategically, direct mail marketing can be highly effective. We will now show you five essential techniques you can use to make your just-listed postcards, real estate brokerage service postcards, and new real estate agents' promotional materials stand out.

Strategy #1: Define Your Goals

The first thing you should do when you start planning your direct mail campaigns is to clearly outline your objectives. For example, are you looking to use your own postcards to generate leads, promote a specific property, build brand awareness, or something else?

The main goal of your postcards will most likely be to generate leads and drive sales. Now, have you heard of SMART goals? These are actionable objectives that can help you accomplish your targets, and they are quite popular in marketing. They can also be a great tool to define what you want to achieve with your direct mail postcards.

SMART is an acronym for specific, measurable, achievable/aspirational, realistic/relevant, and timely. So, in real estate, your goals could be:

  • S: Instead of "increase leads," "increase leads from postcards by 30% in the next quarter".
  • M: Instead of "increase web traffic," "get 500 new visitors next month".
  • A: Instead of "sell ten houses" "get contacted by ten prospective buyers".
  • R: Instead of "expand the office," "expand the services we offer".
  • T: Instead of "increase mail subscribers," "get 500 new mail subscribers in six months".

Strategy #2: Identify Your Target Audience

Planning is essential, but understanding who should receive your real estate postcards is also a must. So, you should always aim to develop a detailed and well-segmented mailing list. To do this, you will need to consider demographics, location, buying behavior, and other relevant factors to ensure you're reaching the right people.

You can start by examining your current client base. Who are your past clients, and what demographics, preferences, and behaviors do they have in common? An option is to then divide your targets into specific segments based on criteria that matter in real estate, such as:

  • Geographic location (e.g., neighborhoods, ZIP codes, or cities)
  • Demographics (e.g., age, income, family size)
  • Homeownership status (e.g., renters vs. homeowners)
  • Buying stage (e.g., first-time buyers, empty nesters, investors)
  • Interests and lifestyle (e.g., luxury living, eco-friendly homes)
  • Behavior (e.g., previous interactions with your brand, engagement with real estate content)

When possible, you should also leverage data sources like property records, public records, and third-party databases to gather information about potential prospects. This data, which is often available to any licensed real estate agent, can provide valuable insights into homeownership status, property value, and more.

If you're unsure about identifying your target audience, you should also consider consulting with a marketing expert who can create mailing lists for you.

Strategy #3: Include a Clear Call to Action (CTA)

Another important strategy for your real estate postcards is to always clearly instruct recipients on what you want them to do next. For example, it can be visiting your website, calling for more information, or attending an open house. Whatever the case, make sure you make it easy for them to take action.

You can think of a CTA as a roadmap for recipients. One that tells them precisely what steps to take next. This makes it easier for them and also for you to measure the success of your campaign. For example, you can use the CTAs to track how many people visited your website, called your office, or attended an open house as a direct result of your postcard.

Here are a few tips for creating good CTAs for your marketing materials:

  • Use concise language that leaves no room for ambiguity. Avoid vague phrases like "Learn More" or "Contact Us" and, instead, say something specific like "Visit our website to view property listings" or "Call today for a free home valuation."
  • Explain why taking the action is beneficial. For example, "Visit our website to find your dream home" or "Call for expert advice on selling your property quickly."
  • Use action-oriented words that prompt immediate engagement. Verbs like "visit," "call," "attend," "explore," or "request" convey a sense of urgency. You can also encourage quick response by incorporating phrases like "Limited time offer," "Act now," or "Don't miss out."
  • Design your CTA to be visually distinct. You should use contrasting colors, bold fonts, or a different font size to make it noticeable within your postcard's layout.
  • If you're encouraging recipients to call or email, don't forget to include your contact information (and see that it is easily accessible, such as through a prominent phone number or email address).

Strategy #4: Offer Incentives or Special Promotions

You should also consider including exclusive offers or discounts to encourage recipients to respond. Limited-time promotions can create a sense of urgency and invite people to contact you.

So, why are promotions good? Well, for one, an exclusive offer or discount adds value to your postcard, making it more appealing to recipients. By making it time-limited or available to a select group, you can also create a sense of urgency. Recipients are more likely to act quickly to take advantage of the special deal, fearing they might miss out!

Offers and discounts also serve as a direct incentive for recipients to respond to your CTA because they provide a clear benefit that motivates action, such as visiting your website, contacting you, or attending an open house. To make sure yours stands out, make sure you make the offer relevant to the recipient's needs. For instance, if you're targeting sellers, consider offering a reduced commission rate for listing their property. For buyers, it could be a credit towards closing costs or a free home inspection.

Transparency is essential, too. So, don't forget to outline any terms and conditions associated with the offer, such as expiration dates, eligibility criteria, or restrictions.

Strategy #5: Design Eye-Catching Materials

Creating visually appealing postcards, letters, or brochures is also a key component when it comes to effective direct mail marketing. For example, you should always use high-quality images and fonts that are easy to read and create engaging and personalized content that resonates with your audience.

A visually appealing postcard can capture the recipient's attention, communicate your message effectively, and leave a lasting impression. But how can you achieve this?

The first consideration is readability. A well-structured design ensures that your content is easily readable. So, you should always use clear fonts, appropriate font sizes, and ample white space to make your text reader-friendly. Of course, the more eye-catching design elements, such as striking visuals, colors, typography, and layout, can also draw recipients' attention amid a sea of mail. Just remember: Visual cues, hierarchy, and organization are there to guide recipients through your content, making it easier for them to absorb key information.

Real Estate Postcard Templates and Design Ideas

If you're not sure where to get started with your real estate postcards, or you want to explore a few design ideas before you set your goals, we have compiled some of our favorite tips and examples.

The Dos and Don'ts of Postcard Design

Designing real estate postcards for marketing purposes requires some consideration. So, before you jump right into a few templates and design ideas, here are some dos and don'ts of postcard design:


  1. Do Define Your Purpose: Clearly define the purpose of your postcard. Are you promoting a property, offering a service, or announcing an event? Knowing your objective will guide your design choices.
  2. Do Understand Your Audience: Know your target audience's preferences, interests, and demographics. Tailor your design to resonate with them.
  3. Do Use High-Quality Imagery: Use high-resolution images that are relevant to your message. For real estate postcards, showcase appealing property photos that highlight key features.
  4. Do Create a Strong Visual Hierarchy: Organize your content with a clear visual hierarchy. Use headings, subheadings, and contrasting fonts to guide readers through the information.
  5. Do Keep It Simple: Avoid cluttered designs. Use a clean layout with ample white space to improve readability and make your postcard visually appealing.


  1. Don't Overcomplicate: Avoid overloading your postcard with excessive information, images, or design elements. Simplicity is key.
  2. Don't Use Low-Quality Images: Grainy or pixelated images can make your postcard appear unprofessional. Always use high-resolution images.
  3. Don't Neglect the Back: Don't leave the back of the postcard blank. Use it for additional information, a secondary CTA, or branding elements.
  4. Don't Hide Your CTA: Your call to action should be clear and easy to find. Don't bury it in the design or make it difficult to notice.
  5. Don't Ignore Brand Consistency: Ensure that your postcard design aligns with your brand's existing visual identity, including colors, fonts, and logos.

Just Listed Real Estate Postcards

One of the most popular postcard designs for real estate agents is the "Just Listed" postcard. As the name implies, these materials feature available properties and are an excellent way to establish yourself as a neighborhood expert.

A great place to start with these postcards is via circle prospecting or marketing to houses that surround your existing listings. You can also combine your Justed Listed postcards with some of the other types we'll cover below to maximize your reach.

This type of postcard is best for generating seller leads.

Just Sold Real Estate Postcards

Another excellent choice for your real estate postcards is the "Just Sold" design. Every time you successfully complete a purchase, it can be a good idea to share your track record with other properties in the neighborhood.

Advertising your accomplishments will improve your return on investment. And, chances are they might have seen the signs outside the home, so this just reinforces you can help them, too.

This type of postcard is best for generating seller leads, too.

Open House Real Estate Postcards

Many real estate agencies send postcards promoting open houses, as they can be a great way to boost attendance. Plus, what's more important, open houses allow you to collect invaluable lead information from your attendees, even if they have no interest in that particular property.

According to the 2022 Zillow Group Consumer Housing Trends Report, more than half of your clients who are sellers are interested in hosting an open house - and will definitely appreciate your efforts if you send special postcards promoting this event. Everyone wins!

This type of postcard is great for generating prospective buyer leads.

Free Home Valuation Real Estate Postcards

Offering free home valuations is another great postcard template alternative for your business.

Whether or not they are considering actually selling, most people are curious about how much their homes are worth. So, as a real estate agent (who also happens to be an expert in the neighborhood!), you can definitely provide them with an estimate.

To be effective, these postcards should offer a free, no-obligation valuation and market analysis. We assure you that this type almost always gets excellent results - especially if you're facing a changing market. For example, it can be a good idea to find a neighborhood that has become particularly attractive and send market update postcards to it.

This type of postcard is also best for generating seller leads.

Homeowner Tips Real Estate Postcards

When you think of real estate postcards, you're probably just picturing listings. Expired listings, FSBO postcards, and such. However, there is one option that can truly make a difference when it comes to getting new customers. We're talking about homeowner tips.

Once a quarter or so, you could send postcards sharing tips and advice. You can also include maintenance reminders, seasonal knowledge, and tailored ideas for people who want to make the best of their homes and neighborhoods.

This type of postcard is great for establishing yourself as an expert in your field and area.

Meet Your Real Estate Agent Postcards

This idea is also under-used by realtors, but it can be an excellent way to get the word out about your expertise and your business. Plus, you can use the copy to communicate exactly who you are and what you believe sets you apart from other real estate agents.

It's a good idea to make your text cheerful and talk about why you love your community. In this case, though, it's best to restrict your distribution to your most receptive audience. Generally, this is the group of customers that already know you but can do with a friendly reminder of your services.

It can also be a good idea to add a QR code to your postcards so people can read them using their smartphones and be taken directly to your contact information.

This type of postcard is perfect for letting people know about you - especially if you're new.

Events Real Estate Postcards

If you are aware of a major local event taking place in your neighborhood of interest, you can capitalize on this opportunity and send a calendar postcard. For example, you could include schedules, festivals, and all relevant information that would make someone stick your material to their fridge door!

Event postcards are not strictly considered real estate ones, but they are an excellent way to bring attention to your business in a more relaxed way. Just make sure, if you use them, that you add your own personal touch and branding to them.

This type of postcard can be especially useful for bulletin boards.

Market Update Real Estate Postcards

Our last idea is the market update postcard, which gives people an estimate of property values for a given area. You can send them as often as once each month, so potential customers can see you are an expert in your area.

When they are ready to sell, all they have to do is wait a few weeks, and they will have your contact info at hand!

This type of postcard is great for generating seller leads.


Postcards are one of the best ways to reach out to new potential customers and keep in contact with your existing ones.

We have gone through the best strategies for direct mail marketing and shown you a few excellent examples of postcard design. Now, it's your turn to start promoting your business!

If you need help creating your mailing list, designing your postcards, or sending them, we are here to help. Cactus Mailing specializes in direct mailing services and can guide you through every step of the process. In fact, you can leave the entire approach to us!

Contact us today to get a free, no-obligation marketing plan for your real estate business.