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Effective Marketing Strategies for Auto Shops & Mechanics

Effective Marketing Strategies for Auto Shops & Mechanics
Effective Marketing Strategies for Auto Shops & Mechanics

Auto shops are a necessity for maintaining the vehicles that people rely on to get them to work, school, home, and everything in between. Despite this, it can be hard for local auto shops and mechanics to stand out among the rest as the go-to provider for their area's auto-service needs. If you're an auto shop owner looking to try a new approach with your marketing - or even thinking about launching a campaign for the first time - we're here to share some insight into traditional marketing channels that you can take advantage of.

Understanding the Marketing Challenges for Auto Shops and Mechanics

Like any other industry, auto repair shops have their fair share of unique challenges on the marketing front. For starters, it's difficult for auto shops to achieve consistent business from their customers. Most people only bring their car in for service when there's some kind of problem - not many receive ongoing maintenance. There's also a trust barrier to overcome, as many customers may feel wary of mechanics due to perceived dishonesty or overcharging. The average person has little understanding of the inner workings of cars - so they may get defensive if they feel like a mechanic is recommending a service that isn't necessary. Therefore, marketing for auto shops needs to go the extra mile to inform the audience where they may be lacking knowledge and reassure them that their interests are being taken into consideration.

Why Traditional Marketing Helps Auto Shops and Mechanics

The average American sees anywhere between 6,000 to 10,000 advertisements per day - the majority of which are via online platforms including social media, search engines, apps, video streaming sites, and games. The constant bombardment of digital marketing that we face these days has definitely made some go numb to the online approach. For every banner ad that gets noticed, dozens or even hundreds get completely ignored. If you're a local mechanic looking to draw in new customers - traditional marketing channels are preferable for this very reason. While options can vary depending on location, you can find a variety of channels that will allow you to get directly in front of potential customers - in ways that don't even interrupt their daily activities. Direct mail, newspapers, magazines, and billboards are all traditional marketing methods you can leverage to make more of an impact in your local area than digital. These methods are significantly less intrusive than banner ads, pop-ups, and unskippable videos - and if well-designed they can leave a lasting impression with your audience.

Types of Traditional Marketing Strategies for Auto Shops and Mechanics

We recommend the following traditional marketing channels based on their ability to impact a local audience. Aside from that, each of these methods has their own strengths - and some may be better suited for specific applications. It's important to consider the context of your situation in terms of location, marketing goals, target audience, and marketing budget when deciding which channel is best for you.

Direct Mail Marketing

Whether you're introducing a new auto shop location, running a special promotion, or wanting to remind customers to get their oil changed, direct mail campaigns are the way to get it done. Direct mail is a tried & true marketing method that can get your message in the hands of your target demographic. It does this simply by being part of the recipient's incoming mail, which they have to look at anyway. People enjoy opening mail and tend to look at everything they receive, because they know there could be something of value for them in the pile. This is your chance to draw them in with a clean design, a headline featuring a promotion, or a reminder to get some routine maintenance or service on their car. Your odds of success increase even further if you choose to utilize postcards - as they can be sent without an envelope so there's nothing getting in the way of your message.

Before starting work on your direct mail campaign - determine what you want to achieve. Your marketing goals will drive every other aspect of the campaign - from the mailing list targets to the design and beyond. Once you know what you want to achieve, the next step is to determine who your target audience is. If you want to build some brand awareness in your area, you may just want to run a geographically targeted campaign within a certain radius of your auto shop. However, if your shop only deals with luxury vehicles or something more specialized - you may want to select a demographic targeting option instead. New mover lists are also great for introducing yourself to potential customers who have just recently moved to your area - after all, they'll be needing somewhere new to get their vehicles serviced. When it comes to design - there's a variety of elements you can choose to include. QR codes are a great way to connect your postcard recipients directly to the content you want them to see. On a postcard, space is limited so you can use the QR code to link them to a webpage with a more detailed description of some of your services. Coupons are also a welcome sight to any postcard recipient. As mentioned, many people are hesitant when it comes to automotive services so discounts are a great way to alleviate some of the initial fears they may have as a first-time customer.


Hand Pulling Postcard with Tire and Wrench on it out of mailbox

Newspaper and Magazine Ads

Print media is far from dead - just last year it was reported that 87% of Americans claimed to have read at least one magazine within the past 6 months. This is an audience of about 223.6 million people - and while magazines vary widely in both subject and circulation, numbers this high definitely indicate significant reach and influence. Print newspapers still remain popular with older demographics and wealthier households - as 70% of households with incomes above $100,000 still regularly receive physical papers. Younger generations are also starting to come around to reading traditional print newspapers as a means of getting away from online noise. So, the opportunity to get your brand in front of local readers still exists - and you can utilize local print media to reach a variety of different demographics. Automotive publications, for starters, are a no-brainer for letting car enthusiasts know about any specialized services that you offer. Magazines about childcare/parenthood or that have primarily parent readers are great for running promotions. Local newspapers, as mentioned, work well for reaching higher-income demographics. Of course, it's worthwhile to see what other local publications are available in your area - you may find opportunity in unexpected places.

When it comes to print ad design - keep in mind that you are competing for the reader's attention - typically with other adverts but also with the publication's content. You have a limited window in which to convey what you have to offer the reader. Because of this, it's optimal to go with a simple design that doesn't overwhelm the reader with too much information at once. Use high-quality images that are easy on the eyes, and type in clear and easy-to-read fonts. Remember to utilize a color palette that contrasts well with the background of the page. Consider the size and placement of your ad - if the ad spot is smaller - you'll want to further emphasize simplicity in its design. Rather than overcrowding the space with text - focus on a few key headlines and a clear Call to Action statement that communicates what you want the reader to do. (The CTA statement should be aligned with your overall marketing goals). Last but certainly not least - be sure to proofread your ad in order to avoid typos or grammatical errors - as these can harm your credibility.


Magazine on Top of Newspaper


Utilizing Outdoor Advertising

Outdoor advertising is the oldest form of marketing in human history - which all started when businesses began placing signs above their shops to advertise their products and services to other townspeople. Ironically, mankind has yet to invent a more "permanent" form of marketing, as while digital ads can get skipped, and print ads can eventually be thrown away - billboards are large, immovable, and provide constant, 24/7 visibility. They also offer low cost per impression, as they can reach thousands of people for a relatively low price, making them a cost-effective option for long-term campaigns. In high-traffic areas like highways, intersections, and city centers, your ad is basically guaranteed to be seen by a large number of people. General automotive services have a wide audience - as 91% of U.S. households own at least one car. Therefore - to maximize visibility in your geographic area, outdoor, or out-of-home advertising is a method worth considering.

Outdoor advertising is all about placement. As mentioned before - placing your billboard or poster in a high-traffic area will help maximize the number of people who will see it each day. Not to mention - for long-term campaigns it's likely that you'll achieve some repeat exposure as the same people encounter your ad multiple times. These are people that have places to be though - so you'll want to make you ad simple enough to understand at a glance to make the most out of your impressions. Billboards next to roads and highways in particular need simple visuals and no more than six to eight words of text. This is due to the fact that most viewers will be driving by - affording only a few seconds of time to look at and digest your message. Make use of high contrast colors and large, bold fonts to aid your visibility as much as possible.


Car Repair Billboard


Utilizing Flyers and Brochures

Last but not least - we have flyers and brochures. This traditional marketing method is inexpensive as you can mass-print a large number of flyers on the cheap. It shares the direct mail quality of tangibility - as recipients can keep them in their homes or offices for future reference. Unlike direct mail however, distribution method can vary. You can hang these at various points of interest such as public bulletin boards throughout local neighborhoods or at libraries and groceries stores if they allow you to do so. You could also hand them out yourself at events like trade shows, or just in high foot-traffic areas (although this will cost you some time). Flyers and brochures are also designed to contain more information, allowing you to provide recipients with plenty of details about your auto shop and the services you provide. If your flyers are detailed, well-designed, and grammatically correct - it will help you build trust with your audience and make your business look and feel more legitimate.

For flyers and brochures - graphics tend to take a backseat to copy. These advertisements are meant to contain a lot of information - and key graphics will likely be smaller in order to maximize space for writing. With that said - you can use unique headings, bullet points, or breaks in formatting to draw attention to the most important information. Make sure your formatting in general follows some kind of logical hierarchy - but most importantly, don't forget your call-to-action statement at the end of the script. All marketing efforts should be leading the audience towards a specific action that you want them to take - so be sure to clearly define what they should do next at the bottom of your flyer or brochure.


Man Handing Flyer to Other Man

How To Measure the Success of Auto Shop Marketing

Before starting your next marketing campaign - you need to select which key performance indicators (KPI's) you'll be keeping track of in order to measure your success. Measuring your campaign's success is necessary to figure out what parts of your marketing strategy are working and what areas may need adjustment. Response rate and return on investment (ROI) are two very basic KPI's that apply to most marketing campaigns. Your response rate measures the amount of people who respond to your CTA within your marketing material - indicating how successful the material was at persuading your audience to take your desired action. Your ROI measure the revenue generated from your campaign in comparison to the overall cost of the campaign - which will determine how much of a success it was. Be sure to establish your method of properly counting respondents to your marketing material whether that be through QR codes, unique landing pages, or call tracking. If you're unfamiliar with these methods, you can read about them in more detail here.

Of course, data collection is pointless if you never take the time to analyze and learn from it. Your business situation will always be changing - but marketing should be an ongoing process. Experiment with different copy, incentives, and marketing channels to see what your audience responds best to. Keep record of the results of each campaign so you can easily understand what gives you the best return on your investment. If you have the budget - you can run concurrent campaigns with a controlled group representing what you know your audience already responds to - and an experimental one for testing new ideas. Most of all, don't be afraid to ask customers for feedback directly as this can give you some much needed insight on what people are looking for. It can also help strengthen your customer's loyalty if they see you responding to the concerns they've voiced - which can elevate overall perception of your brand.


Man Working on Car Tire


As you can see, there are plenty ways to reach a local audience as an auto shop. However, you may still find the prospect of your first local marketing campaign a bit overwhelming. It's a commitment of both time and money - so it's fair to have reservations. That's why you should consider partnering with Cactus Mailing - as we have over 22 years of direct mail expertise under our belts. We can handle design, list selection, printing, and mailing all at a competitive price point.

If you're interested in getting started, don't wait! Connect with one of our direct mail experts today.