The Cactus Mailing Blog

Beyond A Homepage: 7 Landing Pages Your Church Website Needs

Written by Mike Ryan | Apr 15, 2024 1:04:00 PM

Church websites serve as the digital front doors to religious communities, and a landing page can be considered a welcoming foyer or a specific room within that virtual space. Your website provides a broad overview of your church, but a landing page is a focused, dedicated space designed for meaningful interactions within the digital realm of the church website.

Your landing page must be strategically designed to provide relevant information and encourage conversions, serving as a bridge between a visitor's initial interest and a deeper level of engagement. We'll guide you through 7 landing pages that can act as a targeted entry point, leading a person to take specific action, whether registering for an event, donating, or exploring a particular aspect of the church's services. Align these with your church marketing effort to create a seamless user experience.


Website vs Landing Page: Which is which?

A church website is an online platform that serves as the digital hub for a religious community. It consists of interconnected web pages accessible through a specific domain. Similar to other websites, a church website typically includes diverse content. The homepage often acts as the main entry point, providing an overview of the church's mission, values, and upcoming events, with navigation leading to various sections or pages. However, dedicated landing pages play a crucial role in harnessing the potential of digital outreach.

Purpose-driven landing pages serve specific campaign objectives, capturing visitor information and encouraging immediate action. Specifically crafted for targeted campaigns, a church landing page aims to capture the attention of visitors who "land" after clicking a link on social media, email newsletters, online advertisements, or other digital marketing channels. 

By offering a clear call-to-action and tailored content, church landing pages enhance the effectiveness of church websites.


Elements of A Landing Page

Unlike a church website's homepage or other pages with broader content, a landing page is streamlined and designed with a clear call-to-action to guide visitors toward the desired outcome. Landing pages are crucial in digital marketing strategies as they help optimize conversion rates and provide a more personalized and focused experience for visitors based on the specific goals of a campaign.



Instruct your website builder to incorporate these elements to create an effective landing page:

  • A compelling headline that immediately communicates the purpose of the landing page and captures the visitor's attention.
  • Concise subheading that supports and expands on the headline, reinforcing the value proposition and encouraging further exploration.
  • Engaging high-quality and relevant visuals, such as images, videos, or graphics, to create an appealing and interesting experience.
  • Clear call-to-action (CTA) that stands out on the page, making it easy for visitors to locate and click. 
  • Well-designed form or opt-in section to collect visitor information. Keep it brief, asking for only essential details to minimize friction.
  • Trust indicators such as testimonials, client logos, security badges, or any relevant certifications that build confidence and establish credibility.
  • Key benefits of the offer to emphasize why visitors should take the desired action. Use bullet points for easy readability and to make it easy for visitors to grasp the main points quickly.
  • Responsive website optimized for various devices, as increasing users access websites from smartphones and tablets.
  • Integrate analytics tools to track and measure the performance of the landing page. This data helps in refining and optimizing the page for better results.

A church marketing company like Creative Church Marketing or Faithworks Marketing can help you create landing pages that align with your ministry designs. 


A well-structured landing page can effectively guide visitors through the conversion journey, ensuring a positive and purposeful user experience. Here are the 7 landing pages your website needs:


1. A Welcome Center

Designed for new churchgoers, first-time visitors, potential visitors, or even a church plant, a Welcome Center landing page can serve as a digital space to introduce and orient individuals to the church community. This specialized landing page plays a crucial role in making a positive first impression and fostering a sense of belonging for newcomers. 

  • Objective: Provide information for first-time visitors.
  • Components: Service times, location, and welcoming message. You can also include a short portion to communicate the church's mission and values.
  • Engaging Visuals: Image of the church facade and pews to show new visitors what to expect. 
  • Call-to-Action (CTA): "Start Your Journey Here," "Take the First Step," or "Learn More"

Your Welcome landing page may be clicked through search engine results if it appears in local SEO or Google Ad. It may also be included in offline marketing materials such as business cards, postcards, or signage in the church, allowing users to type in the URL or scan a QR code.


2. Access to Sermons

A landing page where congregants can access and download audio or video recordings or notes of sermons. A sermon page designed for existing church members serves as a dedicated digital space to cater to the specific needs of the church community, providing a convenient and centralized location for church management. Such a feature gives members access to teachings and messages a church leader delivers during worship services.

  • Objective: Provide free resources on ongoing or upcoming series.
  • Components: Series overview, schedule, and related resources.
  • Engaging Visuals: Infographics or short clips taken from the sermon. 
  • Call-to-Action (CTA): “Download the Series Today,” “Watch Now,” or “Access Sermons.”

You can provide the direct or shortened URL for this content marketing landing page. 



3. Church Members or Volunteer Sign-Up

Encourage active engagement and participation in the church's various service opportunities through a sign-up landing page for existing church members. Streamline the process of memberships or volunteering, making it convenient for a church visitor to explore and commit to contributing time and skills to the church community. 

Here are key elements to consider for a Sign-Up landing page:

  • Objective: Encourage church membership or volunteering. 
  • Components: Comprehensive list of current membership or volunteer opportunities within the church. Categorize them based on worship, hospitality, children's ministry, outreach, and more.
  • Engaging Visuals: Include images of previous gatherings and photos or testimonials from existing volunteers.
  • Call-to-Action (CTA): "Join Us," "Sign Up Today," or "Volunteer Now." 

Offer flexibility in commitment levels, allowing members to choose one-time events, short-term projects, or ongoing roles based on availability and preferences. Remember to collect necessary information, such as name, contact details, preferred areas of service, and availability.


4. Digital Knowledge Center

A dedicated landing page as a gateway to your online resources. Your digital knowledge center can be a space for members to start discovery and spiritual growth journey.  

  • Objective: A centralized hub for accessing a diverse range of online resources. 
  • Components: A user-friendly interface for easy navigation categories for diverse content such as articles, videos, study materials, or free resources. 
  • Engaging Visuals: Incorporate images that reflect the diversity of available resources, individuals engaging in study or reflection, and moments of collective learning within the church community.
  • Call-to-Action (CTA): "Explore Resources," "Deepen Your Knowledge," or "Start Your Journey." If you have a church app, “Download App Now.”

Express gratitude for individuals exploring your online resources by including a welcoming message.


5. Community Outreach: Church Events and Programs

Events contribute significantly to nurturing a dynamic community. Invite churchgoers to promote or actively participate in the heartbeat of your church community through a dedicated landing page centered around community involvement. 

  • Objective: Provide an accessible platform to promote community initiatives, church events, and other programs. This can also be a way for church members and visitors to support or sign up.
  • Components: Purpose of the community hub page, event or program details, schedule, options for participation, and form for registration. 
  • Engaging Visuals: Photos or videos of individuals or groups participating in past community events. 
  • Call-to-Action (CTA): "Check Out Our Events,” “Get Involved Now,” and “Support Our Community."

If the CTA is to volunteer, acknowledge participants for their commitment.


6. A Secure Online Giving Hub

Extend an invitation to join hands in supporting the mission and vision of your church through a landing page dedicated to receiving financial contributions. Emphasize that every donation, regardless of size, is pivotal in fostering church growth through a vibrant community of faith, service, and compassion.

  • Objective: Provide a trustworthy and convenient platform for church members and visitors to make secure financial contributions, donations, or tithes
  • Components: Purpose of the giving hub, a secure and user-friendly donation form, options for fund allocation, and a secure payment gateway.
  • Engaging Visuals: Consider using images of people coming together, community outreach events, or pictures that showcase the positive outcomes of financial support such as church plant, construction, or renovations.
  • Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): "Give Now," "Support Our Mission," or “Donate Today.”


Remember to include a thank-you message or acknowledgment section expressing gratitude to donors for their generosity. It would also be beneficial if you communicate, on your churchs website, the value of their contributions to the church's mission.


7. Church Communication

Deepen connections within your church family by having a dedicated landing page designed for sharing contact information and fostering community engagement through social media. Emphasize the importance of building relationships, staying informed, and uniting in shared moments of faith and fellowship.

  • Objective: Gather contact information and encourage members to contact or connect.
  • Components: A user-friendly form for sharing their contact details, subscribing to email marketing or church communication, or links for connecting on your church's social media account or Facebook group. 
  • Engaging Visuals: Snapshots of members connecting through various social media channels. Overview of select social media platforms.
  • Call-to-Action (CTA): "Connect with Us," "Stay Informed," or “Join Our Online Community.”

Send a welcoming message or acknowledgment section expressing appreciation for community members taking the initiative to connect. A potential visitor for this landing page can come from Google Ad, Church SEO, Facebook Ad, or someone checking out your church's Google My Business profile.


Benefits of Dedicated Landing Pages

Dedicated landing pages for a church website offer a strategic and effective means of achieving specific goals, optimizing the user experience, and enhancing overall online engagement within the church community and beyond.

Here are specific ways that you can benefit by having a website builder create dedicated landing pages for your church management:

  • Focused Church Communication:  Clearly and concisely communicate specific messages or campaigns, increasing visitor understanding and action.
  • Increased Conversion Rates: Whether the desired action is event registration, online giving, or membership sign-ups, the focused nature of a landing page reduces distractions and makes it easier for visitors to navigate and engage.
  • Enhanced Analytics and Tracking: Churches can gain insights into the effectiveness of their church marketing ideas, measure conversion rates, and refine strategies based on real-time data to improve online engagement continuously.
  • Improved Search Engine Visibility: By incorporating relevant keywords and content, churches can enhance their visibility in search results and attract individuals searching for specific topics related to their mission or activities.


  • Better Integration with Marketing Channels: Seamlessly integrate with various marketing channels, including social media accounts, email marketing, and online advertisements. Consistent messaging across church marketing strategy enhances brand cohesion and reinforces the overall impact of the marketing effort.
  • Personalized Outreach: By tailoring content to specific demographics or interests, you increase the relevance and reinforces your message with the intended audience, increasing the likelihood of engagement.
  • Enhanced Trust and Credibility: A well-designed landing page reflects professionalism and attention to detail. This can build trust and credibility among online visitors, fostering a positive perception of the church and its initiatives.
  • Measurable Return on Investment (ROI): With clear objectives and measurable outcomes, landing pages enable churches to assess the return on investment for specific campaigns. This data-driven approach empowers informed decision-making and ensures resources are allocated effectively.

TIP: Google Ad Grant provides up to $10,000 per month in advertising dollars. You can use this free resource in Google Ad Grant to attract new visitors through Google Ad in your church marketing ideas. Ask a church leader to check your eligibility or check the services of Click Non Profit.


Landing pages are vital for any website for church marketing as they drive engagement and conversions. They guide a person towards specific actions such as registering for church events, online giving, and joining the community. To achieve this, incorporate compelling calls-to-action and user-centric website design. 

Whether attracting new members or community engagement, the benefits of creating purpose-driven landing pages extend beyond aesthetics. Your church marketing plan should focus on ministry designs that contribute to a more effective and results-driven church marketing strategy.

Visitors are more likely to respond positively when presented with information that aligns with their interests or needs. Creating targeted landing pages for different purposes enhances the impact of your church marketing. 


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