Meet the Direct Mail Experts at Cactus Mailing

As you will read below, Mike and Maria Ryan started Cactus Mailing in their garage over 20 years ago. But we would not be where we are today without an amazing staff to help get us there.

Cactus Mailing Company team Photo

Our Mission

Utilizing Our Direct Mail Expertise and Experience to Help Businesses Drive Growth

Our Values


checkmark1Striving for superior quality

checkmark1Pursuit of continuous improvement

checkmark1Setting and surpassing standards

checkmark1Commitment to best outcomes


checkmark2Upholding ethical standards always

checkmark2Being transparent and honest

checkmark2Building trust through actions

checkmark2Consistency in words and deeds


checkmark3Fostering a joyful environment

checkmark3Celebrating team achievements together

checkmark3Encouraging creativity and innovation

checkmark3Valuing work-life balance


checkmark4Adapting to changing needs

checkmark4Embracing new ideas willingly

checkmark4Being open to feedback

checkmark4Navigating challenges with ease

Where It All Started

In early 2001, my wife Maria and I set out to start our own business. Working on the proverbial “shoestring” budget, we set up shop in our two-car garage. 

We invested in a few pieces of used equipment and purchased the special software required for processing mailing lists. After a few weeks of practice and training, we were ready for business.

- Michael Ryan

A man standing at a desk in a room full of boxes.

The History of Cactus Mailing

A walk down memory lane from the corporate world to our garage to becoming a leading postcard marketing company.


Deciding that they were tired of the corporate environment, Mike and Maria decided to start a business. So, with a newborn and a three-year-old, as well as Mike still having a full-time job, they set up shop in the garage, and Cactus Mailing was started.



Maria answered the phone and responded to emails during the day. In the evenings, Mike would do quotes and process mailing lists. Weekends were for addressing and preparing the bulk mailings in the garage. With the business starting to grow, it was becoming too much for just nights and weekends. So Mike took the leap of faith and left his cushy corporate job to pursue Cactus Mailing full time.



After three months of being focused on Cactus Mailing full-time, they were outgrowing the garage and started looking for a facility to move into.  After weeks of looking to no avail- Maria was driving by a building in the local business park and noticed a for lease sign in the window - Cactus Mailing had found its new home.



The Cactus Mailing team had grown to over a dozen, and the business was averaging over 250 mail campaigns per month and becoming a nationwide player in the direct mail industry. But space was becoming a big issue, so the offer from the building’s landlord to take over the adjacent suite came at the perfect time and doubled the operating space.



The landlord stopped by Cactus Mailing to inform them that he would not be able to renew the lease as he needed additional space for his business. Fortunately, he gave plenty of notice, allowing ample time to find a new home for Cactus Mailing.



The search for a new facility concluded with the purchase of a run-down building a block over from the current location. The condition and price presented an opportunity to realize a vision for a state-of-the-art direct mail facility. After a six-month renovation, Cactus Mailing moved into its new facility designed around streamlined and efficient mailing operations, including all new high-speed addressing and mail processing equipment.



Twenty-one years after our start in the garage- we are still at it. Having assisted over 23,000 businesses, we've successfully executed more than 50,000 campaigns. This achievement translates to over 500 million postcards printed and mailed.


Meet the Cactus Mailing Team

Debbie Floss Photo Debbie Floss Gif Image

Debbie Floss

Project Administrator


  • Food: Italian, Donuts
  • Hobby: Karaoke
  • Artist: Whitney Houston
  • TV Show: Friends
  • Place: Naples, Florida

Debbie Floss

Project Administrator

Michael Ryan Photo Michael Ryan Gif Image

Michael Ryan



  • Food: Cuban Sandwich
  • Hobby: Golf
  • Artist: The Cars / Huey Lewis
  • TV Show: Miami Vice
  • Place: Golf Course

Michael Ryan


Stephen Mills Photo Stephen Mills Gif Image

Stephen Mills

Production Assistant


  • Food: Lumpra, Sushi
  • Hobby: Wood Working
  • Artist: Bob Ross
  • TV Show: Star Gate SG1, Atlantic
  • Place: Baguio, Philippnes

Stephen Mills

Production Assistant

May Pattarino Photo May Pattarino Gif Image

May Pattarino

Project Administrator


  • Food: Thai
  • Hobby: Hiking
  • Artist: Daughtry
  • TV Show: Firefly
  • Place: Biltmore Estate - Asheville NC

May Pattarino

Project Administrator

Logan Beach Photo Logan Beach Gif Image

Logan Beach

Production Equipment Operator


  • Food: Tortilla & Steak
  • Hobby: Car Mechanics
  • Artist: Taiwan MC
  • TV Show: Peaky Blinders
  • Place: Dinner Table

Logan Beach

Production Equipment Operator

Holly Isengard Photo Holly Isengard Gif Image

Holly Isengard

Project Administrator


  • Food: Steak
  • Hobby: Writing
  • Artist: Taylor Swift
  • TV Show: All American
  • Place: Where Family Is

Holly Isengard

Project Administrator

Mark Gerhardt Photo Mark Gerhardt Gif Image

Mark Gerhardt

Design Manager


  • Food: Apple Fritters
  • Hobby: Video Games
  • Artist: O.C. Supertones
  • TV Show: Pysch
  • Place: Mahogony Bay, Roatan

Mark Gerhardt

Design Manager

Joe McAtee Photo Joe McAtee Gif Image

Joe McAtee

Sales Executive & Database Guru


  • Food: Italian
  • Hobby: Mountain Biking
  • Artist: Radiohead
  • TV Show: Game of Thrones
  • Place: The Beach

Joe McAtee

Sales Executive & Database Guru

Michael Rodriguez Photo Michael Rodriguez Gif Image

Michael Rodriguez

Graphic Designer


  • Food: Tacos
  • Hobby: Rock Hounding / Gardening
  • Artist: Fleetwood mac
  • TV Show: Loki
  • Place: Mountains / Forests

Michael Rodriguez

Graphic Designer

Curtis Johnsen Photo Curtis Johnsen Gif Image

Curtis Johnsen

Production Supervisor


  • Food: Steak
  • Hobby: Trying to Play Guitar
  • Artist: Buckethead
  • TV Show: Simpsons
  • Place: Vegas

Curtis Johnsen

Production Supervisor

Maria Ryan Photo Maria Ryan Gif Image

Maria Ryan

Vice President


  • Food: Lechon Asado & Tostones
  • Hobby: Working Out , Hiking
  • Artist: Journey
  • TV Show: Miami Vice
  • Place: The Beach

Maria Ryan

Vice President

Jill Brown Photo Jill Brown Gif Image

Jill Brown

Sales Manager


  • Food: Quesadilla
  • Hobby: Poker
  • Artist: Garth Brooks
  • TV Show: The Big Bang Theory
  • Place: With Grandkids

Jill Brown

Sales Manager

Charlene Smith Photo Charlene Smith Gif Image

Charlene Smith

Sales Executive


  • Food: Pasta Dishes
  • Hobby: Snorkeling
  • Artist: Bryan Adams
  • TV Show: NCIS Hawaii
  • Place: My Backyard

Charlene Smith

Sales Executive